Brendan Wollard

Brendan Wollard

Owner & Developer

Hello, and thank you for taking a moment to read about me and my services. Hurricane Creek Co. has been a dream of mine for many years. I have always wanted to work for myself in a job I love doing. I am a sinner saved by grace through Jesus Christ. I am an active member of Herrin Second Baptist Church in Herrin, Illinois, and I love to tell people about my Lord and Saviour, Jesus. Currently, I work a full-time job while I launch and build this dream. I love to help others and love a good challenge. Besides this company, I am also making another entire site for my favorite hobby, aquariums. I have one saltwater and four freshwater aquariums in my house, and I am setting up second saltwater. I have some pictures on my page The Aquarium Talk. I started this page as a hobby and remembered how much I love writing code and put that page on hold to build and launch Hurricane Creek Co.

I have been teaching myself coding on and off for about five years now. In high school, I took a class learning one of the most common programming languages for applications C++. I loved it and enjoyed playing with code. It was a challenge to learn to write, in a sense, a different language to make it output something some can use and read. It is like writing in Spanish, displaying in English for the reader. To me, that is what coding is. There is a lot of plain English, yes, but there is a lot of other languages to make it look the way you want it to.

For example, the main language a browser reads is HTML. HTML tells the browser what will show on the page and where to find the data needed on the page. Secondly, you have CSS. CSS tells the browser how to display the features, elements, and content that the HTML has pulled up. Next up, PHP and JS. PHP tells the browser to "get" a specific item or content from another page, database, or other location. JS or JavaScript creates a function or program within a website to run. Both have many other uses like sending form data, compiling data, running slideshows, or media content. These are just a few of the many languages that go into a full site. when you get into CSM or customer Services Management, or services like login and user content, you have server-side languages that come into play.

There are many different ways to build a website now, with more and more sites like Wix and WordPress showing up every day. But the problem is that most of those services are very cookie-cutter in design. They offer a select amount of templates and layouts that you can customize, but only to some degree. If you want to have a 100% unique and custom site, you are stuck with really two options. 1. Spend Hours learning to code and build the site yourself. 2. Hire a company or individual to build it for you. That is where we come in.

I work a full-time job as my primary source of income while I teach myself coding and when I find the right school that fits my budget and needs, I plan to get my degree or certificate in web development. That said, I take all the guesswork out for you. I have and am learning the code. I do it for fun and as a hobby...for now at least, that allows you to spend more time doing what you love. Running your Business!

Let's face it, if you wanted to spend your time coding and building webpages even with the "no code site builders," then you would have gone into business doing just that. But, you didn't go into business for that, did you? I am! I love to code and learn to code. Web development is something that will NEVER stop changing. In the last five years, even things that have changed that we as developers have to be mindful of to stay up-to-date. In a way, code is like medicine, always changing, evolving, getting better, and always in high demand.

I offer a fully customizable, unique, and ever-changing product. I am willing to work around any of your business needs and budget. I offer free estimates, pricing by the project or by the hour. Depending on your needs and budget, I can build you a one-page site or a 20-page site. If I don't know how to code a feature you want, I will learn or hire someone who can do that while I build the rest. I also offer consultations, site reviews, graphic design, site maintenance, and much more. Plus, as stated before, I am ALWAYS looking to learn and add more services and features